As many of you know, over the past years I’ve been working on the “Juno Beach Landing Tables” which form part of the documentation that is available on this website for research by all. I continue to work on this document almost every day, adding new information when I discover it.
Of course, while searching for info, I have occasion to look at the OTHER LANDING BEACH’s and their documents. They all vary on what type of information was completed for each of the landing forces, mainly due to the fact, that each Organization (Army, Corps, Division, Brigade) was responsible for preparing the operational and administration orders for their specific area of the operation. Which mean that they are NOT identical on how they are prepared or what historical documents were submitted “up the chain’ for record purposes.
Some of the Force Beaches have more information and some and less, in all sorts of area’s.
On examining Force ‘O’ Landing area’s and their documentation, I was impressed (and wished this type of documentation was available for the British and Canadian beaches) with the “Landing Diagrams”.....which give us DETAILED information on each Landing Craft, which units were in each, which Ship that landing craft came from, position on landing etc etc........a treasure trove of information for anyone researching the American Landing Beach’s (Omaha and Utah)......and I thought I would post just a few of the pages of information for everyone’s information, in the next post.
But, also understanding that these were “planning documents” and on D Day, the actual final load out of each Landing craft or it’s position in the Assault “may” have changed due to circumstances such as weather, vessel or sHip mechanical issues, and off course, enemy action.
I continue to work on Juno Beach Landing Tables and updating the documents on this website when I have uncovered new or additional information