415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

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415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

Post by Temujin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 12:49 pm

415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

The first 415 Squadron crews commenced their operational training on the Bristol Beaufort, an effective torpedo-bomber, with a four member crew. These planes were quickly reclaimed by the RAF and for a short period the obsolete Bristol Blenheim took their place. By late 1941, the Handley Page Hampden was being withdrawn from Bomber Command operations and many of these aircraft were adapted by Coastal Command for the torpedo-bomber role. In January 1942 the Squadron converted to the Hampden and crews continued their operational training ultimately flying the Squadron‘s first operational mission on 21 April 1942.

Crews consisted of four personnel: a pilot, navigator or observer and two wireless operators/air gunners. Crew information, included crew photos, has been gathered through multiple sources. The rank shown is that which was assigned to the member at the time the crew was formed. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the reporting of 415 Squadron Hampden crews. However, as the Squadron grew there were many changes to crew composition. There were also a large number of losses, both training and operational, many of which were the result of operating antiquated aircraft. As a result, some Squadron members flew on multiple crews and some crews were actually reformed part way through a tour of duty.


Pilot P/O W.H. Adams, DFC

Navigator Sgt B.F. Sutton

WO/AG Sgt W.C. Metcalfe

WO/AG Sgt T.A. Leblanc


Pilot F/O R. Armstrong

Navigator F/O H.R.D.S. Cuddon

WO/AG Sgt J. Maher

WO/AG Sgt J. Bileski

ARNOLD Killed in Trg 9 Sept 1943

Pilot P/O R.S. Arnold

Navigator P/O C.E. Coons

WO/AG Sgt D.K. Stroud

WO/AG P/O R.A. Swainston (not on board when accident occurred)


Pilot Sgt K.T. Ashfield

Navigator Sgt G.N. Brown

WO/AG Sgt B.W. Forbes

WO/AG Sgt J.S. Buchanan

BATCHELOR Killed in Trg 11 June 1943

Pilot Sgt F.U. Batchelor (RAF)

Navigator P/O S. Viatkin (RAF)

WO/AG Sgt E.H. Johnston

Fitter 2E LAC E.J. Dockendorff


Pilot F/Sgt R.L. Batten

Navigator Sgt C. Ellwood

WO/AG Sgt A.C. Smith

WO/AG Sgt H.A. Stroud

BEAN Command 11 November 1942

Pilot S/Ldr W.W. Bean

Navigator P/O N.W.G. Hill

WO/AG P/O T.N. Chessell

WO/AG Sgt W.R. Cornish

BOYTON KIA 4 October 1942

Pilot Sgt C.R. Boyton (RAAF)

Observer P/O J.H. Barton (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt J.F. Maher (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt J.G. Stuckless (RAFVR)


Pilot F/O A.B. Brenner

Observer F/Sgt E.L.L. Rowe

WO/AG Sgt G.K. Summers

WO/AG Sgt R. Zumar


Pilot F/O A.B. Brenner

Observer F/Sgt E.L.L. Rowe

WO/AG Sgt E.A. Vautier (RAF) (replaced by Stroud)

WO/AG Sgt H.A. Stroud

WO/AG Sgt H.E. Bowman


Pilot Sgt Brooks

Navigator Sgt Hussey

WO/AG Sgt Rigby

WO/AG Sgt Jensen


Pilot P/O F.W. Broughton

Navigator Sgt J.M. Dawkins

WO/AG Sgt L. Ross

WO/AG Sgt J.B.M. McMillan

CAMPBELL Killed in Trg 18 Feb 1943

Pilot Sgt P.B. Campbell

Observer P/O K.R. Maffre

WO/AG Sgt Z.M. Niblock

WO/AG Sgt R.E. Vokey


Pilot Sgt H.R. Clasper

Navigator Sgt D.J. Cartridge

WO/AG Sgt M.L. Parker

WO/AG Sgt A.D. Donald

CLINE KIA 10 April 1943

Pilot F/Sgt G.A. Cline

Navigator F/O W.B. Keown (RAFVR)

WO/AG F/Sgt J.M. Ryan (RNZAF)

WO/AG Sgt A.M.J. Kelly

COATES KIA 24 September 1942

Pilot Sgt K. Coates (RAFVR)

Observer Sgt D.R. Bird (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt A.H. Gibbons (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt A. Higson (RAFVR)


Pilot Sgt C.S. Coppin

Navigator P/O C. Smith

WO/AG Sgt J.E.L. Renaud

WO/AG Sgt T.H. Dickson


Pilot F/Sgt C.S. Coppin

Navigator F/O A.W. Hornbrook

WO/AG Sgt N.S. Hastings

WO/AG Sgt M.L. Parker

WO/AG Sgt A.D. Donald


Pilot S/Ldr E.W. Cowan

Navigator Sgt G.J. Jobe

WO/AG Sgt R. McCloy

WO/AG Sgt R. Urban


Pilot P/O C.D. Cross

Observer Sgt S.E. Grossman

WO/AG Sgt R. Zumar

WO/AG Sgt G.K. Summers

Navigator P/O W.H. Main (replaced Grossman)


Pilot P/O M. Del Campo

Navigator P/O A.W. Hornbrook

WO/AG P/O R.A. Gauthier

WO/AG Sgt J. Bileskie

DENNIS Command 6 August 1942

Pilot S/Ldr R. Dennis

Navigator P/O Altstedter

WO/AG Sgt D.A. Stallard

WO/AG P/O A.G. Houldsworth


Pilot F/Sgt J.C. Donald

Navigator Sgt C.A. Brown

WO/AG Sgt T.V. Sullivan

WO/AG Sgt S. Price


Pilot P/O J.C. Donald (Killed from injuries a mid-air collision 24 April 1943))

Navigator Sgt C.A. Brown

WO/AG Sgt A Glass

WO/AG Sgt R.H. Johnston


Pilot Sgt G.O. Ellergodt

Navigator F/Sgt S.E. Grossman

WO/AG Sgt E.H. Johnson

WO/AG Sgt A. Glass


Pilot P/O J.A. Enns

Navigator P/O W.C.L. De Pelham

WO/AG Sgt R.F. Morrison

WO/AG Sgt H. Calvert

EVANS Command 16 March 1943

Pilot W/C G.H.D. Evans

Navigator F/O W.H. Main (Replaced by Wallace)

Navigator F/O T. Wallace

WO/AG Sgt E.H. Smith, DFM

WO/AG F/O D.N. Fleming


Pilot P/O D.F. Ewing

Navigator 1/Lt H. Pinckes (US)

WO/AG Sgt E. Steele

WO/AG Sgt M.R. Jones

GARFIN KIA 27 June 1942

Pilot F/Sgt I.W. Garfin

Observer Sgt Billard (Did not fly that day)

Observer Sgt V.B. Whelpley

WO/AG Sgt B.A. Dakin

WO/AG Sgt D. Pearce


Pilot P/O R.O. Gates

Navigator P/O V.T. Rice

WO/AG P/O D.D. Stemp

WO/AG Sgt M.E. Smith


Pilot F/Lt M.W. Gibson

Navigator Sgt A.R. Armitage

WO/AG Sgt R. McGilvray

WO/AG Sgt F. Ladd


Pilot P/O J.N. Godfrey KIA - Crash landing 1 November 1942

Navigator P/O R.G. Frederick

WO/AG Sgt D.M. Coates

WO/AG Sgt R.A. Clarke

GRAINGER KIA 26 July 1943

Pilot F/Sgt R. Grainger (RAFVR)

Navigator Sgt A. Millican (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt T.A. Ivey

WO/AG Sgt R.B. MacKenzie


Pilot F/Sgt C.S. Graystone

Navigator F/O T.M. Parnell

WO/AG Sgt A.S. Richards

WO/AG Sgt H.M.A. Schneider

HARRIS KIA 15 August 1943

Pilot S/L P.N. Harris, DFC (RAFVR)

Navigator P/O R.V. Procter (RAFVR)

WO/AG P/O A.G. Innes (RAF)

WO/AG Sgt G.H. Clemson (survived – he was replaced by Postode)

WO/AG F/Lt J.O. Bostock (RAFVR)


Pilot F/Lt P. Harris (RAF) (Harris & Seales were supernumery)

Navigator P/O M.J. Seales (RAF)

WO/AG F/Sgt W.M. Comba

WO/AG Sgt M. Staffanick

HERBERT Killed in Trg 12 March 1942

Pilot P/O J.R. Herbert

Observer F/O W.L. MacKay

WO/AG Sgt H.R. Hatfield

WO/AG Sgt A.T.P. Murtha


Pilot F/Sgt A.F. Hildebrandt

Navigator F/Sgt W. MacCausland

WO/AG Sgt N.S. Hastings

WO/AG Sgt W.K. Mailman


Pilot F/Lt A.C. Hobbs

Navigator F/Sgt C.R. Taylor

WO/AG Sgt F.W. Lobb

WO/AG Sgt J.H. Savoie

HURL Killed in Trg 19 March 1943

Pilot Sgt W.L. Hurl

Navigator F/O B.A. Johnson (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt W.C.R. Foerster

WO/AG Sgt R.H. O’Brien

JAMES KIA 1 July 1942

Pilot F/O G.G.O. James

Observer F/Sgt A.K. Farnie

WO/AG Sgt T. Gibbons

WO/AG F/Sgt G.A. Pearce

JAY Killed in Trg 23 March 1942

Pilot F/Sgt C.H. Jay

Observer Sgt P.G. O’Brien

WO/AG Sgt R.R. Oliver

WO/AG Sgt M.F. Ramsey


Pilot F/Lt M.E. Jones

Navigator F/O D.A. Ward

WO/AG F/O J.M. Teakles

WO/AG P/O R.P. Vaughan


Pilot F/O H.G. Keiller

Navigator P/O C.A. Wondolowaski

WO/AG W/O E. Dorval

WO/AG Not Assigned


Pilot P/O G.H. Lawrence

Navigator P/O K.R. Maffre

WO/AG Sgt L.S. Sharp

WO/AG F/Sgt R.E. Vokey


Pilot F/Sgt Livingston

Observer Sgt Hunter

WO/AG Sgt Kent

WO/AG Sgt Kinch


Pilot P/O P.D. Mackie

Observer P/O E. McFarland

WO/AG Sgt J.L.A. Champoux

WO/AG Sgt V.W. Eldridge

MAHN KIA 04 June 1942

Pilot P/O F.H Mahn (survived)

Observer F/Sgt J.W. Stirling

WO/AG Sgt W. Peebles

WO/AG Sgt E. Thomas

McBRIDE POWs 7 November 1942

Pilot F/Sgt R.F McBride

Navigator Sgt A.M.H. Robertson

WO/AG Sgt P.R. Ramage

WO/AG Sgt G.W. Clubb

McCALLUM KIA 27 June 1942

Pilot F/Sgt J. McCallum

Observer Sgt H.F Hasleden

WO/AG Sgt R.M. Neil

WO/AG Sgt L.H. Latimer

McCOMB KIA 30 July 1942

Pilot F/Sgt B.D.R. McComb

Observer F/Sgt M. Bloomfield

WO/AG Sgt R.M. Ennis

WO/AG Sgt J.H. Labelle

Pilot F/Lt P. Harris (RAF) (Harris & Seales were supernumery)

Navigator P/O M.J. Seales (RAF)

WO/AG F/Sgt W.M. Comba

WO/AG Sgt M. Staffanick

Pilot F/Lt M.E. Jones

Navigator F/O D.A. Ward

WO/AG F/O J.M. Teakles

WO/AG P/O R.P. Vaughan


Pilot F/Sgt Livingston

Observer Sgt Hunter

WO/AG Sgt Kent

WO/AG Sgt Kinch


Pilot P/O P.D. Mackie

Observer P/O E. McFarland

WO/AG Sgt J.L.A. Champoux

WO/AG Sgt V.W. Eldridge

MAHN KIA 04 June 1942

Pilot P/O F.H Mahn (survived)

Observer F/Sgt J.W. Stirling

WO/AG Sgt W. Peebles

WO/AG Sgt E. Thomas

McBRIDE POWs 7 November 1942

Pilot F/Sgt R.F McBride

Navigator Sgt A.M.H. Robertson

WO/AG Sgt P.R. Ramage

WO/AG Sgt G.W. Clubb

McCALLUM KIA 27 June 1942

Pilot F/Sgt J. McCallum

Observer Sgt H.F Hasleden

WO/AG Sgt R.M. Neil

WO/AG Sgt L.H. Latimer

McCOMB KIA 30 July 1942

Pilot F/Sgt B.D.R. McComb

Observer F/Sgt M. Bloomfield

WO/AG Sgt R.M. Ennis

WO/AG Sgt J.H. Labelle

McGEE KIA 17 May 1943

Pilot F/Sgt L.E. McGee

Navigator F/O L.G. Burgess (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt E.J. Ramey

WO/AG Sgt G.B. Jackson

McLEOD Shot down 23 March 1943

Pilot F/O J.D.P. McLeod (POW)

Navigator P/O C.M. Chambers (KIA)

WO/AG Sgt W.W.E. Haddock (POW)

WO/AG P/O D.H. Wraith (POW)


Pilot P.O W.D. McMillan

Navigator P/O J.K. Chapman

WO/AG F/Sgt J.R. Barclay

WO/AG Sgt D.J. Heffernan


Pilot F.O W.D. McMillan

Navigator F/O J.K. Chapman

WO/AG F/Sgt C.S.V. Kent

WO/AG Sgt D.I.C. Kinch

Navigator P/O G.A. Taylor X 2


Pilot Sgt D.B. McNeil-Watson

Navigator P/O W. Tyler

WO/AG Sgt E.S. Roberts

WO/AG Sgt A.F. Wright

MONTGOMERY Killed in Trg 3 April 1943

Pilot Sgt D. Montgomery

Navigator Sgt W.J. MacKay

WO/AG Sgt J.W. Whipple

WO/AG Sgt J.D. Scott


Pilot W/O H.W. Peel

Navigator P/O R.B. Walker

WO/AG Sgt A.E. Dowie

WO/AG Sgt M.P. Wilson


Pilot F/Sgt R.A. Perry

Navigator P/O D.T. Wood

WO/AG Sgt E.R. Saunders

WO/AG Sgt J.S. Young


Pilot F/O W.G. Pilkington

Navigator F/Lt R.S. Arrand

WO/AG Sgt W.N. MacEachearn

WO/AG Sgt I.R. Parliament

REIGATE Killed in Trg 11 March 1943

Pilot Sgt J.N. Reigate

Navigator Sgt D.T. Hodgson (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt J.H.M. Ker

WO/AG Sgt J.A.E. St.Laurent


Pilot P/O B.H. Ridgeway

Observer P/O J.R. Murray

WO/AG Sgt F.A. Steele

WO/AG Sgt G.E. Pratt

RIDLEY KIA 24 June 1942

Pilot F/Sgt J.A. Ridley

Observer F/Sgt R.W. Veit

WO/AG Sgt H.A. Clarson

WO/AG Sgt G.O. Klarner

RITSCHER Killed in Trg 6 Sept 1943

Pilot P/O R.E. Ritscher

Navigator P/O C.A. Wondolowski (not on board)

WO/AG P/O O.K. Main

WO/AG Sgt H.J. Hanson


Pilot F/Sgt L.W. Rivers

Navigator P/O A.F.G. Hughes

WO/AG P/O G. Nathan

WO/AG P/O H.E. Maguire

ROBSON Shot down 19 August 1943, POW

Pilot Sgt W.A. Robson (RAF)

Navigator Sgt H.G. Laverick (RAF)

WO/AG Sgt H.G. Gnam

WO/AG Sgt H.E. St-Jean


Pilot S/Ldr G.G. Ruttan

Navigator WO S. Grossman

WO/AG P/O D.I.R. Angus

WO/AG F/Sgt N.W. Lobb

RUTTAN (2) Commanding Officer

Pilot W/Cdr G.G. Ruttan, DSO

Navigator F/Sgt C. Ellwood

WO/AG P/O A.G. Smith, DFM

WO/AG Sgt W.C. Norquay

RUTTAN (3) Commanding Officer

Pilot W/Cdr G.G. Ruttan, DSO

Navigator F/O A.W. Hornbrook

WO/AG P/O R.A. Swainston

WO/AG Sgt D.K. Stroud

SARGENT KIA 29 May 1942

Pilot P/O D.H. Sargent

Navigator P/O M. Edwards

WO/AG F/Sgt J.A. McWilliams

WO/AG Sgt A.F. Conway


Pilot Sgt W.R.R. Savage

Navigator P/O F.A. Brockwell

WO/AG Sgt J.E. Mason

WO/AG Sgt S.J. Babyn


Pilot P/O J.H. Senecal

Navigator P/O T. Burtch

WO/AG P/O J. Legan

WO/AG Sgt F.E. Dorken


Pilot F/O G.L. Smith

Navigator F/Sgt E.J. Rowe

WO/AG P/O O.W. Boville

WO/AG F/Sgt H. Walters

STRONACH KIA 14 June 1943

Pilot S/Ldr J.G. Stronach

Navigator WO1 W.A. Trask

WO/AG P/O J.A. Town (Killed on GLC Flight 10 Apr 43)

WO/AG P/O A.B. Clegg

WO/AG F/O G.K. Crummy (Replaced Sgt Town)


Pilot F/Lt J.R. Sumner

Navigator Sgt H.E. Davies

WO/AG Sgt J.F.C. Cabot

WO/AG Sgt L. Arter


Pilot 2/Lt M.F. Tague (US)

Navigator Sgt P. Clarkson

WO/AG Sgt K.A. Roche

WO/AG Sgt G.A. Slater


Pilot P/O D.C. Thomson

Navigator P/O A.H. Bartlett

WO/AG Sgt R.F. Wells

WO/AG F/O M.W. Cole

TIPPET KIA 20 November 1942

Pilot Sgt A.J. Tippet (RAAF)

Pilot P/O J.J. Lynn (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt W.J.D.? Miller (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt R.R.T.? Sleep

WALTER KIA 16 July 1943

Pilot F/Sgt R. Walter (RAFVR)

Navigator P/O V.C.J. Steer (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt H.A. Huntington

WO/AG Sgt J.L.L. Janisse

WATHEN KIA 17 May 1943

Pilot P/O K.C. Wathen (RAAF)

Navigator F/O J.M. Crawford (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt M.D. Maxwell (survived on course – replaced by Sgt Sykes)

WO/AG Sgt J.H. Steward (RAFVR)

WO/AG Sgt I.M. Sykes (RNZAF)


Pilot Sgt R.H. Watt

Navigator F/O A.F. Boyd

WO/AG F/O R.A. Gauthier

WO/AG Sgt H.J. Mihell

WURTELE (1) Commanding Officer

Pilot W/C E.L. Wurtele

Navigator P/O J. Baird

WO/AG F/Lt Bostock

WO/AG F/Sgt G. Angus


Pilot W/C E.L. Wurtele

Navigator P/O A.W. Troup

WO/AG F/L R.R. Dennis

WO/AG Sgt H.R. Marks

Source: http://www.415sqn.com/hampdon-crews.html

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Re: 415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

Post by georgetanksherman » Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:41 am


R.C.A.F. No. 415 Squadron, Handley Page Hampden AT230 code "L", March 23, 1942

Aircraft 10 minutes after taking off, with aircraft at 1,500 feet went into a spin for unknown reasons, almost recovered but struck and impacted a hill.

Pilot, Flight Sgt. Clyde Homer Jay, R/74713, Denver Colorado, U.S.A.
Air Observer, Flight Sgt. Patrick Gerard O'Brien, R/56394, Montreal Province of Quebec, Canada
W/Op – Gunner, Flight Sgt. Robert Reginal Oliver, R/75618, Brantford, Ontario, Canada
W/Op – Gunner, Flight Sgt. Melvin Frederick Ramsey, R/67828, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.

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Re: 415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

Post by georgetanksherman » Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:42 am


R.C.A.F. No. 415 Squadron, Handley Page Hampden L4076 QX-D, September 6, 1943

Aircraft while on Night Training crashed off Sandy Point, Hayling Island, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Pilot, Pilot Officer Robert Edward Ritscher, J/14110, Saint Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.
W/Op – Gunner, Pilot Officer Owen Keith Main, J/20425, Noel shore, Nova Scotia, Canada
W/Op – Gunner, Sgt. Howard James Hanson, R/124636, Dinsmore, Ontario, Canada

NOTE: Navigator C.A. Wondolowski was not aboard the aircraft when it crashed

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Re: 415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

Post by georgetanksherman » Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:41 pm


R.C.A.F. No. 415 Squadron, Handley Page Hampden AD799, September 9, 1943

Aircraft on test flight / night training when it was seen to impact the ground and burst into flames a few miles from the Aerodrome.

Pilot, Pilot Officer Robert Sidney Arnold, J/13113, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Navigator, Pilot Officer Clyde Ezra Coons, J/14649, Montreal, Canada
W/Op - Gunner, Donald Keith Stroud, R/115118, Clarkson, Ontario, Canada

NOTE: W/Op - Gunner Robert Albert Swainston, assigned crew member was not aboard the aircraft when it crashed.

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Re: 415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

Post by georgetanksherman » Fri Aug 03, 2018 12:01 am


R.C.A.F. No. 415 Squadron, Handley Page Hampden AT243, Code"N", June 11, 1943

Aircraft flying formation training, collided with Hampton AT250, which landed safely, AT243 crashed near Tain, United Kingdom.

Pilot, Sergeant Frederick Urquhart Batchelor, Royal Air Force, 655429, Cupar, Fife, Scotland
Navigator, Pilot Officer Serge Viatkin, Royal Air Force, 129409, Hometown unknown, buried Brookwood, Surrey, England
W/Op - Gunner, Warrant Officer Class 1, Eugene Huntly Johnston, R/105519, North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Mechanic, Corporal Edgar Jacob Dockendorff, R/72726, Charlottetown, P.E.I., Canada

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Re: 415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

Post by georgetanksherman » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:30 pm


R.C.A.F. No. 415 Squadron, Handley Page Hampden AT245 GX-U, June 28, 1942

Aircraft on anti-shipping patrol, shot down by flak. North Sea 5 km n Schiermonnikoog - Netherlands

Pilot, W/O II I.W. Garfin, RCAF, R/61116, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. B.Sc
Observer, F/Sgt. V.B. Whelpley, RCAF, R/73182, Sussex Corner, Kings County, N.B., Canada
Wo ag, F/Sgt. D. Pearce, RCAF, R/79687, Parkman, Saskatchewan, Canada
Wo ag, F/Sgt. B.A. Dakin, RCAF, R/76026, Berwick, King's Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.

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Re: 415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

Post by georgetanksherman » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:33 pm


R.C.A.F. No. 415 Squadron, Handley Page Hampden P1258 GX-R, August 16, 1943

Aircraft failed to return from a shipping patrol off the Dutch Coast and was believed to have been shot down by a night fighter.

Crew: Pilot, S/L. P.N. Harris, DFC, RAF, (122954), Baglan, Glamorgan, Scotland
Navigator, P/O. R.V. Procter, RAF, (146449), Hanwell, Middlesex, United Kingdom
W/OP/AG, P/O. A.G. Innes, RAF, (53143), South Holmwood, Surrey, United Kingdom
W/OP/AG, F/Lt. J.O. Bostock, RAF, (77530), Sea View, Isle of Wight.

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Re: 415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

Post by georgetanksherman » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:46 pm


R.C.A.F. No. 415 Squadron, Handley Page Hampden AN153, May 18, 1943
Aircraft Shot down by ships Flak on night torpedo strike off the Frisians, Netherlands

Pilot, F/Sgt. L.E. McGee, R/89530, RCAF, Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
Observer, F/O. L.G. Burgess, (117719), RAF, Harringay, Middlesex, United Kingdom
Wo ag, Sgt. G.B. Jackson, R/83435, RCAF, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Wo ag, W/O II E.J. Ramey, R/73316, RCAF, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.

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Re: 415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

Post by georgetanksherman » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:48 pm


R.C.A.F. No. 415 Squadron, Handley Page Hampden AE395 GX-S, March 23, 1943

Aircraft on anti-shipping mission around Frisians Island, Netherlands the aircraft was shot down by flak

Pilot, F/O. J.D.P. McLeod, J/10589, RCAF, Survived – P.O.W.
Observer, F/O. C.M. Chambers, J/12281, RCAF, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Wireless op, Sgt. W.H.E. Haddock, R/106995, RCAF, Survived – P.O.W.
Air gunner, P/O. D.H. Wraith, J/12632, RCAF, Survived – P.O.W.

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Re: 415 Squadron, RCAF Crews – Hampden Era – 1942 to 1943

Post by georgetanksherman » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:55 pm


R.C.A.F. No. 415 Squadron, Handley Page Hampden X2898 GX-U, August 20, 1943

Aircraft reported shot down by Flak/AAA and crashed into the North Sea, 5 km west of Egmond-aan-Zee, North Holland.

Crew: Pilot, F/Sgt. W.A. Robson, RAF, 956452, Survived POW
Observer, F/Sgt. H.G. Laverick, RAF, 1138484, Survived POW
Wo ag, Sgt. H.G. Gnam, RCAF, R/131645, Survived POW
Air gunner, Sgt. H. St Jean, RCAF, R/115726, Survived POW

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