In honour of Captain Jonathan Sutherland Snyder, 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry killed on June 7, 2008, in the Zhari District of Afghanistan. Captain Snyder was patrolling on foot with his unit, in an area filled with grape fields and wells, known as karizes, which are usually unmarked and usually connected to underground irrigation ditches. At about 9:00 p.m. local time, Captain Snyder fell into a kariz, his patrol worked to extract him and called for assistance. A medical team, along with an engineering and search and rescue team were dispatched to the site, after managing to lift him from the well, Captain Snyder was flown, by helicopter, to the Multi-National Medical Unit at Kandahar Airfield, but was pronounced dead on arrival.
Captain Snyder was postuhumously awarded the Star of Military Valour (SMV):
"Capt J. Snyder (Posthumous) For valourous actions and extraordinary courage under fire that saved the lives of dozens of Afghan and Canadians, Joint Task Force Afghanistan, 4 June 2008". Sacrifice Medal (Posthumous) ... l/80003457 ... r-1.300985 ... _well.html ... _army.html