RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

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RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

Post by StanDutchman » Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:09 pm

Hello Collectors,

I recently bought a battle dress with a paybook and some document. I am from The Netherlands and I would like to figure out in what area this soldier was active. He was with the first canadian army corps in The Netherlands. I hope someone can help me figure out where the 64th army transport company was active in The Netherlands.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

Post by StanDutchman » Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:32 am

Screenshot_20210722-010726_2dehands.jpg (905.28 KiB) Viewed 13951 times
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Re: RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

Post by Phil » Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:30 am

I found this mention of 64 Transport Company thus far,

Meanwhile, in North-West Europe, the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, with 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade under command, landed on D Day, 6 June 1944, as part of 1 British Corps. The 2nd Canadian Corps soon became operational in France followed by 1st Canadian Army Headquarters. With them came many RCASC units such as: 1st Canadian Army Transport Column Headquarters with 45, 47, 63 and 64 Transport Companies; 1st Canadian Army Troops Headquarters with 35 and 36 Army Troops Composite Companies; 2nd Canadian General Transport Column with 65, 66 and 69 Transportation Companies and No.s 85 and 86 Bridging Companies. The RCASC units completed a major ammunition dumping programme prior to the start of Operation Totalize, the bridgehead breakout. They moved over 80,000 tons in one and one-half days in addition to troop carrying and many other general transport tasks. Later in the campaign, Canadian innovation was in the forefront when the 40 ton Diamond-T tank transporters of 65 Tank Transporte r Company were turned into commodity carriers by the use of temporary side racks. The war moved forward through France in Holland with the RCASC ably supporting the army and the RCAF in every phase. Some of the more unique units were: No.1 Canadian Advanced Stationary Depot, RCASC and No.1 Canadian Mobile Printing Section, RCASC. By 5 May 1945, the war with Germany was over while that with Japan ended on 14 August. Demobilization began in September 1945. During the war, 1,006 members of the RCASC died due to enemy action or disease and 1,156 Honours and Awards were won.

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Re: RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

Post by StanDutchman » Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:57 am

Phil wrote:
Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:30 am
I found this mention of 64 Transport Company thus far,

Meanwhile, in North-West Europe, the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, with 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade under command, landed on D Day, 6 June 1944, as part of 1 British Corps. The 2nd Canadian Corps soon became operational in France followed by 1st Canadian Army Headquarters. With them came many RCASC units such as: 1st Canadian Army Transport Column Headquarters with 45, 47, 63 and 64 Transport Companies; 1st Canadian Army Troops Headquarters with 35 and 36 Army Troops Composite Companies; 2nd Canadian General Transport Column with 65, 66 and 69 Transportation Companies and No.s 85 and 86 Bridging Companies. The RCASC units completed a major ammunition dumping programme prior to the start of Operation Totalize, the bridgehead breakout. They moved over 80,000 tons in one and one-half days in addition to troop carrying and many other general transport tasks. Later in the campaign, Canadian innovation was in the forefront when the 40 ton Diamond-T tank transporters of 65 Tank Transporte r Company were turned into commodity carriers by the use of temporary side racks. The war moved forward through France in Holland with the RCASC ably supporting the army and the RCAF in every phase. Some of the more unique units were: No.1 Canadian Advanced Stationary Depot, RCASC and No.1 Canadian Mobile Printing Section, RCASC. By 5 May 1945, the war with Germany was over while that with Japan ended on 14 August. Demobilization began in September 1945. During the war, 1,006 members of the RCASC died due to enemy action or disease and 1,156 Honours and Awards were won.

Thanks for your response, I am very interested to figure this out but I am new to this. This is my first time doing it so I don't really know where to look for more information. I can see the soldier was over placed from 85 brigde company to 64th ATC in the papers that came with the battle dress. I am from the Nothern part of The Netherlands and the 1st canadian army was present here in many places. It would be awesome to know where this soldier was stationed at his time in our country.


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Re: RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

Post by Phil » Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:32 pm

We'll keep looking to see if any further information is available. You may also want to try contacting Royal Canadian Legion Branch 005 The Liberation of the Netherlands,



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Re: RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

Post by StanDutchman » Thu Jul 22, 2021 3:57 pm

Phil wrote:
Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:32 pm
We'll keep looking to see if any further information is available. You may also want to try contacting Royal Canadian Legion Branch 005 The Liberation of the Netherlands,


Thanks for your help, I will try to contact them.


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Re: RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

Post by Temujin » Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:48 pm

Stan, just saw your post…….Yes, he served in various RCASC units……..I’ll take a look and see how I can advise you


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Re: RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

Post by StanDutchman » Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:43 am

Temujin wrote:
Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:48 pm
Stan, just saw your post…….Yes, he served in various RCASC units……..I’ll take a look and see how I can advise you


Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.
It's very interesting to have this battle dress, especially because the person that owned it most likely was in the area where I live. Would love to figure it out.


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Re: RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

Post by Phil » Fri Jul 23, 2021 10:11 am

The man you're inquiring about seems not to have joined No 64 Army Transport Company until July of 1945. The entry "SOS to 64 Cdn A Tpt Coy RCASC" indicates that's when he joined that company. SOS stands for Struck Off Service, or ceased to become the responsibility of one unit to become that of another.

I did find this account indicating that No 64 Army Transport Company was operating in Belgium in November of 1944.

Wounded on November 8, 1944 and died as a result on November 12, 1944. Gun shot wound lower right abdomen.

Private Livingstone, J.J. H/77858, 64 Army Transport Company, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps having been duly sworn states:
Our platoon was parked at the city park in Gent, Belgium waiting to be unloaded, when a 3rd Division lorry approached with some soldiers. These soldiers wished to sell us some enemy weapons. Pte Pearce of our platoon bought a pistol but the safety catch was not working. I showed Pte Pearce, Pte Simmer and Pte O'Brien my German weapon and demonstrated how the safety catch worked. I thought that it was not loaded and I had the magazine in my pocket. I demonstrated with the safety catch applied, then I released the safety catch and pulled the trigger causing the weapon to fire. Pte Simmer crouched down clutching his stomach and I realized that I had hit him. I yelled for help and went to find an empty lorry to take him to hospital, in the meantime someone hailed on ambulance that was passing and Pte Simmer was taken to hospital.

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Re: RCASC 64th army transport company Netherlands

Post by Phil » Fri Jul 23, 2021 10:15 am

Found a photo here,


And they indicate that there are more photos from No. 64 Army Transport Company, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps (R.C.A.S.C), here

https://www.noviomagus.nl/Gastredactie/ ... rnCat.html

Plenty of photos with captions.
43WLC64TransportNijmegen1945.jpg (53.85 KiB) Viewed 13905 times
Photo from www.noviomagus.nl via James ... torcycles.

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