Most do not know, including me until I could confirm the information…….there were actually SIX (6) Beaches for Operation Neptune/Overlord.
BAND beach, was located to the left of SWORD beach (looking at the Beaches from the sea).
BAND beach had TWO Commando operations planned, Operation’s FROG and Operation DEER
Both of these operations were called of at 2030 hour on D Day, as it was determined they were not needed, and the Commando’s allotted were landed on Juno Beach on D+1
Below is documentation showing “BAND” area/beach in US Op Neptune information
Operation Neptune - BAND BEACH and Op FROG & DEER
Re: Operation Neptune - BAND BEACH
ADMIRALTY WAR DIARIES, 6/1/44 to 6/30/44 Page 95
ADMIRALTY WAR DIARIES, 6/1/44 to 6/30/44 Page 95