#2 SFTS, Sgt Mary Pearson
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#2 SFTS, Sgt Mary Pearson
Greetings everyone, hope everyone is safe and well !
Looking through the web page on No. 2 SFTS and noticed Sgt Mary Pearson, in Parachute Section, says from USA, I tried to find out more info on this young lady, but can not find anything else, so thought I would ask if anyone had any info on her.
Appreciate any help and assistance !
Looking through the web page on No. 2 SFTS and noticed Sgt Mary Pearson, in Parachute Section, says from USA, I tried to find out more info on this young lady, but can not find anything else, so thought I would ask if anyone had any info on her.
Appreciate any help and assistance !
Re: #2 SFTS, Sgt Mary Pearson
I found a reference to her in the Ottawa Citizen,
The first of a series of At Homes, to be held this month at Uplands and Rockcliffe, started yesterday and the invited guests mere most enthusiastic. Members of the Catholic Women s League, representing 21 subdivisions, and La Ligue de la Juenes.se Feminine were the guests yesterday. They went to Uplands hv bu and were met by Section Offlrer D. Cameron. senior women's division administrative officer, a group of N.C.O.'s and airwomen With a corporal in charge, the guests were divided into ten croups and visited many interesting parts of the S.F.T.S. In the party were Section Officer M. M. Briese and Section Officer M. S. Pocock of headquarters staff. They saw the first aero engine mechanic in the W.D., Leading Airwoman Ivy Brown of Winnipeg, in the maintenance hangar, work-ins on an engine. In the parachute section they contacted Sergeant Mary Pearson from the United States, who was directing WD.'s in the packing of para-
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Please consider Donating in order to ensure the continued availability, maintenance and growth of WARTIMES.ca.
Re: #2 SFTS, Sgt Mary Pearson
Well looking spotted these ones also George
The Gazette
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
14 Jul 1944, Fri • Page 5
The Dayton Herald
Dayton, Ohio
26 Oct 1942, Mon • Page 10
Detroit Free Press
Detroit, Michigan
08 Jul 1945, Sun • Page 23 Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, The Evening News
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
18 Jan 1943, Mon • Page 4 Detroit Free Press
Detroit, Michigan
08 Nov 1944, Wed • Page 10 Detroit Free Press
Detroit, Michigan
04 Oct 1942, Sun • Page 39
The Gazette
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
14 Jul 1944, Fri • Page 5
The Dayton Herald
Dayton, Ohio
26 Oct 1942, Mon • Page 10
Detroit Free Press
Detroit, Michigan
08 Jul 1945, Sun • Page 23 Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, The Evening News
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
18 Jan 1943, Mon • Page 4 Detroit Free Press
Detroit, Michigan
08 Nov 1944, Wed • Page 10 Detroit Free Press
Detroit, Michigan
04 Oct 1942, Sun • Page 39
Re: #2 SFTS, Sgt Mary Pearson
I assume you've seen this mention already,
RCAF Women's Division Personnel
Section Officer Norah Irton, Orillia, officer commanding the RCAF Women's Division on the station
Section Officer Beth Nichol, Sault Ste. Marie, messing officer
Acting Section Officer Sheil Sprang, Winnipeg
Leading Airwoman Ivy Brown (AEM), Winnipeg; Sergeant Mary Pearson (U.S.) parachute section, Leading Airwomen A.B. Burbeck, Unity, Sask., cook; I.M. Philip, Lucknow, Ont., cook; E.M. Hastie, Ottawa, cook; Irene Norah McMahon
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Re: #2 SFTS, Sgt Mary Pearson
WOW, Thankyou Phil and Temujin for the info, I thought it a bit odd that up until today I only read about two American females, One that was killed flying a Miles Master for A.T.A. and the other who was in the RAF who was was in an Air Control Van when an aircraft crashed into it, killing all inside.
I really appreciate all the help and assistance with this, and I Thank You both very much !
I really appreciate all the help and assistance with this, and I Thank You both very much !
Re: #2 SFTS, Sgt Mary Pearson
More content from the Ottawa Citizen, I believe the same story,
Ivy Brown, of Winnipeg, working with, a crew on an engine. She was spotted by the visitors even before she was pointed out. In the parachute section, Sgt. Mary Pearson, U.S.A., demonstrated the packing of a parachute. In the Control Tower the guests were able to observe the meteorologists at work, and they also saw wireless, operators in action. Uplands has the first W.O.'s to graduate from No. 1 Wireless School at Montreal Other WD's are drivers, clerks, stenographers, accountants. More than 40 skilled trades are rep resented. Proceeding on their way, the women remarked on the comfortable beds of the hospital and its efficient kitchen. Crossing to the barracks, they noticed the graduating class rehearsing its coming Wings Parade. Further on, they saw the swimming pool being filled Then came the barracks with the rows of trim double-decker beds and closets and shelves, with each airwoman's belongings. A corporal, with acquired ease, demonstrated how to hoist one self Into the top bunk. Here, in the dormitories were the glimpses of private life. Photographs of family or of a boy friend stood on the shelves above the beds, and propped on every second pillow or so was a stuffed dog, or perhaps a teddy bear. But one corporal's pet was sure-enough "live", a turtle with a blue painted shell called "Phil". Closing their inspection by testing the wares of the "canteen". the guests signed their names in a visitors' book. Both visitors and staff agreed in describing the occasion as "an excellent idea".
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Please consider Donating in order to ensure the continued availability, maintenance and growth of WARTIMES.ca.
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Re: #2 SFTS, Sgt Mary Pearson
While trying to find info on a few of the names, I came across this site about RCAF Airwomen, https://www.rcafairwomen.ca/Last_Post.php,
Still cannot find the Hometown/State that Sgt Mary Pearson came from. But did find a bunch more American women who served in the RCAF.
Appreciate everyone's help with this
Still cannot find the Hometown/State that Sgt Mary Pearson came from. But did find a bunch more American women who served in the RCAF.
Appreciate everyone's help with this
Re: #2 SFTS, Sgt Mary Pearson
georgetanksherman wrote: ↑Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:34 amWhile trying to find info on a few of the names, I came across this site about RCAF Airwomen, https://www.rcafairwomen.ca/Last_Post.php,
Still cannot find the Hometown/State that Sgt Mary Pearson came from. But did find a bunch more American women who served in the RCAF.
Appreciate everyone's help with this
George, I’m not positive this is the same person (seems to be, located in Uplands) but she may be Canadian
The Gazette
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
14 Jul 1944, Fri • Page 5
The Ottawa Journal
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
21 Feb 1942, Sat • Page 8
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Re: #2 SFTS, Sgt Mary Pearson
Temujin, reading all the info and stories, it makes sense that this woman is the one and same, and it's not the first time I have found out that a Canadian has been referenced as an American, hence the
Really appreciate the help, sometimes having second and third fresh eyes helps
but on the other side of that, through researching for Sgt Mary Pearson, I found 30 American women along with their Home Towns and States, now the task of trying to find out what their assigned jobs were !In the parachute section, Sgt. Mary Pearson, U.S.A., demonstrated the packing of a parachute.
Really appreciate the help, sometimes having second and third fresh eyes helps
