Multiple homes evacuated in Toronto after artillery shell found buried in yard

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Multiple homes evacuated in Toronto after artillery shell found buried in yard

Post by Phil » Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:15 pm

Every once in a while I guess. ... -1.4988029
Multiple homes in Toronto’s Newtonbrook neighbourhood have been evacuated after a two-foot long artillery shell was found buried in the yard of a residence in the area.

Police say they were called to the area of Steeles Avenue and Whitman Street, near Bayview Avenue, shortly before 11 a.m. after a man who was digging in his yard found an artillery shell that was two-feet long, six-inches wide.

The Toronto Police Service’s chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive unit (CBRNE) is now responding to the scene.

Police say some homes in the area have been evacuated as a precaution.
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