Discussions related to the second world war.
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by Temujin » Sat Aug 18, 2018 4:32 pm
ccamfield wrote: ↑Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:19 pm
Thanks temujin, that's wonderfully informative as always! I did not know about the artillery trailer in between quad and gun.
I have access to the spreadsheet which I think you have taken a screenshot from so no worries there. I wasn't looking for a specific unit, it was more that I came across a complaint about the FATs in August 44.
The performance of the wheeled tractor drawn 17-pounder equipment has not proved satisfactory and the need for more 17-pounder SP equipments has been represented by British as well as Canadian unit formations.
I guess
actually any more information I could turn up on vehicle holdings for 7th Canadian AT Regiment might be helpful. But I don't know how I would work from that (which I think was a Corps level unit) to which field company or LAD was assigned to it. I have looked at their WD in the past.
P.S. and how interesting that we were mostly using Morris FATs!
P.P.S. I don't suppose you have any experience hunting down 21st Army Group / 1st Canadian Army memos at LAC?
I’m not exactly sure what your looking for in your reference. If your looking for correspondence in reference to something sent “up the chain” from the 7th Cdn AT Regiment, I would look thru the War diaries of the HQ’s unit above them, so I would first look at 1 Cdn Corp, RCA war diaries, then CCRA war diaries, then First Cdn Army RCA HQ’s war diaries........before I would even attempt to look at 21 Army Group HQ AGRA
In the War diaries list, I would like thru the files of these units first

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by ccamfield » Sat Aug 18, 2018 6:24 pm
Sorry Temujin, I shouldn't have mixed my questions. The one about 21 Army Group documents doesn't stem from 7th AT Reg't - it originates much higher up.
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by Temujin » Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:11 pm
No problem. Good luck on finding your answer
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by Temujin » Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:58 pm
ccamfield wrote: ↑Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:53 pm
Ahh, so the LAD number was mentioned in the WD? I
should have thought of that. Thank you very much!!
edited PS: hm, so the LAD documents were not part of the digitization effort, apparently...? I don't see them in the spreadsheet, but I found their file entries in the LAC database.
Just thought I would post this up, a follow up to your original posts about the LAC for the 7th AT Regt.

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by ccamfield » Fri Mar 20, 2020 5:34 pm
Interesting - thanks!
I did actually photograph some of 67 LAD's war diary on one of my visits to the archives. (Sept '44 to June '45, only the daily entries)

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