Tactical Symbols

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Tactical Symbols

Post by CanadianTanker » Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:35 am


Trying to find rational reason or more information on possible "unknown" tactical symbols. HOLY ROLLER came back from NWE in 1946 with dual B Squadron tac symbols painted on the side of the turret. From a photo taken in Europe it shows similar, does anyone have an idea or direction?
HolyRoller rear,14 June 1946.jpg
HolyRoller rear,14 June 1946.jpg (591.68 KiB) Viewed 10582 times
HolyRoller left side 14 June 1946.jpg
HolyRoller left side 14 June 1946.jpg (971.16 KiB) Viewed 10582 times

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Re: Tactical Symbols

Post by Temujin » Sun Dec 19, 2021 2:06 pm

I’ll see if I can find out more……..I can’t think ‘why’ they’d use the same marking twice, I’ve never seen this before in all my research.

I’d like to give you some more info BUT, you may already have this so I might be repeating info you already have

First a photo:

London, Ont.'s famed ‘Holy Roller’ tank is seen, prior to be given the name by its crew, on June 4, 1944. Two days later, she would become a key part of the Normandy invasion. (1st Hussars Association). https://london.ctvnews.ca/holy-roller-t ... -1.5157917
E69DAA4C-A5D3-4C97-A5E8-BC4B934C1AC8.jpeg (61.82 KiB) Viewed 10578 times

And a close up of the ‘chalked markings’ on the side of the tank……ALL vehicles had chalk marking put on them before they loaded onto their respective landing craft of ships…….this one tells us that this tank is scheduled to load on SERIAL 1107 as the 4th Load (4 tank to load on the Landing Craft)
F19F850D-2C6E-4C29-B0A2-E5E8EF8B0617.jpeg (44.32 KiB) Viewed 10578 times

And from my book “Juno Beach Landing Tables”, you can see that this was one of the 6 Mk 3 Shermans loaded on that day onto SERIAL 1107, from “C” Squadron. Also the Commanding Officer of the Regiment was also in this craft. LCT Mk 4 522
A280E42A-FC08-4841-958B-5C41F037BCA7.jpeg (398.23 KiB) Viewed 10578 times

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